GLOSSYBOX UK June 2022 Summer Rendezvous Digital Magazine

JUNE 2022 16 To recreate the iconic French manicure, you’re going to firstly need some white nail polish. Start by resting your finger on a flat, sturdy surface. Tilting your finger to one side, start the application from the points of growth, and create a curved, smile line towards the free edge. Now do that again, but on the other side. The two curves should join at the middle of the free edge, creating the famous white tips! By applying a coat of colour over your nails, this will help blend all the colours together and hide any imperfections. Go for a natural, sheer pink shade for a more natural look. Once you’ve finished all the steps above, seal your nail polish with a layer of topcoat. And voila! Once it is dried your French manicure is complete and you’re ready to show your new nails off to the world! PAINTING THE TIPS OF YOUR NAILS APPLY A NEUTRAL COAT OF OVER-TOP NAIL POLISH FINISH WITH A TOPCOAT! Step Three Step Four Step Five