31 Life Cycle Assessment www.thg.eco www.mycarbon.co.uk adam.lowe3@thehutgroup.com info@mycarbon.co.uk Requirements Report Location GHG Protocol ISO 14040 ISO14067 Assured GHG's included in the assessment (impact) Introduction Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Product or sector specific guidance Introduction Applicable MG Inventory date and version / previous versions Scope Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Usage limitation disclaimer Scope Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Life cycle stage definitions and descriptions Scope Applicable MG Process maps and attributable process overview Introduction Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Excluded processes and justifications Scope Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Justification of boundaries and assumptions Scope Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Time period Scope Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Emissions allocation Inventory Analysis Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Data collection and quality Inventory Analysis Applicable Applicable Applicable MG Uncertainty Statement Inventory Analysis Applicable MG Emissions factor overview Inventory Analysis Applicable MG Total / % CO2e inventory by stage Life cycle inventory Applicable MG Biogenic vs nonbiogenic emissions Not applicable Applicable MG Assurance statement Inventory Analysis Applicable MG Reduction outcomes where applicable Discussion Applicable MG Hotspot analysis Discussion Applicable MG Goal of LCA Introduction Applicable Applicable MG LCA impact assessment Impact Assessment Applicable Applicable MG LCA interpretation Discussion Applicable Applicable MG