Issue Nine: Sep/Oct '22

ADVERTORIAL British actor, director and activist Emma Watson fronts this issue of The Highlight and is the iconic face of Prada’s new signature feminine fragrance. Her directorial debut is an empowered celebration of what it means to be a living paradox, redefining codes to represent her most authentic self. “I think it was serendipitous that Prada came to me with this project. It was around the time when I had really made a decision in my heart and my head that I wanted to direct – and I found the concept of being a woman who is a paradox so compelling,” says Emma. “I hope that the values behind Prada Paradoxe give women a little more space to celebrate themselves, to know that it’s ok to be complex and to explore the different facets of themselves that make them the fullest expression of who they are.” “ I F O U N D T H E C O N C E P T O F B E I N G A WOM A N WH O I S A PA R A D OX S O C OM P E L L I N G ”. - E MM A WAT S O N T H E M U S E