Issue Nine: Sep/Oct '22

as possible after. “I head straight to the changing rooms where I shower and cleanse. I’d rather cut my workout short and shower,” she admits. If you don’t have access to washing facilities straight away, Mimi recommends using micellar water to refresh the skin and remove build-up. Though Stef makes sure to care for her skin, she stresses that sweat is a normal outcome of exercising, and we shouldn’t feel pressured to try and look perfect. “There is so much pressure from life outside of the gym, so let the gym be a space where you remove that, focus on yourself and your goals rather than what you look like.” “When I first started in the gym, I used to wear quite a bit of makeup. Then I realised that no one is there to look at you or your makeup” SKIN IN MOTION LTD Work IT Tinted Moisturiser 30ml / £25 LIFESTYLE