The Highlight by LOOKFANTASTIC Nov/Dec 2022
WE RECOMMEND KATE SOMERVILLE DeliKate Recovery Serum 30ml / £74 cosmetics and bodycare products sold worldwide. As celebrity beauty brands become increasingly popular, it’s Netflix’s Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown who racks up the most monthly average searches globally (325,000)* for her skincare and cosmetics brand Florence by Mills, named after her grandmother Flo. But which celeb will be next? CERAM I DES Microbiome-first beauty is expected to rise by 7.5% annually until 2026** with ceramides playing a crucial role in promoting a healthy skin barrier. Naturally- derived from our skin, ce ramide production by the body decrease s with age, but is the latest ingredien t creating hype in the skincare w orld, being used syntheticall y in products like serum s and creams to repla ce what we lose f rom our bodies. * Research conducted by StyleCraze 2022. ** ’The Rise of Microbiome-first Beauty’, Stylus, October 2022 TRENDING
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