The Highlight Issue 12 'Brighter Days Ahead'
COVER INTERVIEW So, what does a typical day in the life of a world-renowned hairstylist look like? “I start around 7am with a workout, then I’m on set by 10am and finish my celebrity client around 2pm,” Chris shares. “Following that, I will have press commitments or prep for my next TV appearance. In the evening I have dinner with my family around 7pm and catch up on emails, social messages, and calls. I always try to read a book before bed to wind down.” Despite his action-packed schedule, Chris still makes sure to prioritise spending time with his son, Billy, and daughter, Kitty-Blu. “Covid really helped rebalance me,” he admits. “It made me realise how important it is to have time at home with my family, and how important it is to recharge. You can’t keep giving if you don’t take time for yourself. Recharging for me is spending time with my family.” “ Y O U C A N ’ T K E E P G I V I N G I F Y O U D O N ’ T TA K E T I M E F O R Y O U R S E L F. R E C H A R G I N G F O R M E I S S P E N D I N G T I M E W I T H M Y FA M I LY ”
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