The Highlight Issue 12 'Brighter Days Ahead'

“I loved having a bump again. I was more in tune with myself and my needs, more confident... plus, my hair looked great!” reaction,” she says. “The majority of people around me were shocked initially and then supportive, but a small amount of people had something to say – to my face!” Lucy received judgmental comments from other women, such as: ‘You’re going to be 47 when the baby starts school!’, ‘I thought you’d had enough of nappies!’ or ‘Was it a mistake?’ – “I heard that a lot,” says Lucy. “Going through what I went through has totally changed my behaviour towards other women and has made me mindful of things I say – because words can hurt.” Despite the negativity, Lucy receives plenty of messages of gratitude from her online followers, thanking her for raising the profile of older mums. Reflecting on her last pregnancy, Lucy says: “I felt connected, I had time to enjoy it, I loved having a bump again. I was more in tune with myself and my needs, more confident, I felt healthy and happy, and I enjoyed every single second of it – plus, my hair looked great!” MOTHER & BABY