The Highlight Issue 14 'Feel Fantastic Summer'
COVER INTERVIEW In keeping with her free-spirited personality, Anne-Marie’s timeline of hairstyles ranges from candyfloss pink to lavender-hued bobs. But her most iconic? “At the moment I’d probably say two bunches with plaits because I’ve worn that in a couple of music videos and photoshoots. But back in the day, I had crazy hair. I just wanted to be different. My way of being different was my hair,” she reveals. “I just did everything possible. If someone said I shouldn’t do it, I’d do it.” B A C K I N T H E D AY, I H A D C R A Z Y H A I R . I J U S T WA N T E D T O B E D I F F E R E N T. M Y WAY O F B E I N G D I F F E R E N T WA S M Y H A I R ON ICONIC HAIRSTYLES...
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