The Highlight Issue 15 'In the Spotlight'

“I didn’t find it “easy” to shift my mindset from negative to positive, and I still believe it will be a lifelong journey,” shares 52-year-old Luisa. “I see [proageing] simply as the direct opposite of anti-ageing. It’s pursuing a mindset that celebrates the ageing journey, finds beauty in it and doesn’t seek to erase [or] demean it at anybody’s expense.” “[The Pro-Ageing movement] is essentially feeling good as we age,” explains Dr Angela Tewari, consultant dermatologist. “This involves a number of important factors, including eating well, sleeping soundly and fully, [but] also ageing gracefully.” Although ageing looks different on everybody, no one is immune from common signs and symptoms: “[We see] *Source: ‘Value of the Global Anti-Aging Market’, Statista, 2023 IN THE SPOTLIGHT If TikTok and Instagram have taught us anything, it’s that there’s no age limit on beauty. However, with the anti-ageing market predicted to reach £73bn by 2027*, model and content creator Luisa Dunn shares how she learnt to adopt the ‘pro-ageing’ mantra.