Page 30 - Skinstore Evergreen Beauty 2019
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For the spa enthusiast
For the the the person that believes in in in in in staying home and and relaxing during this time of the the the year it’s best to to to tto give them comfort and and and ease when it it it comes to to to tto presents Longing for for a a a a a a a a true oasis this is is is someone that wants to to to tto to hit the the the snooze button and and immerse themselves in luxury until tomorrow BRAND: ESPA
PRODUCT: Bath Oil Collection
PRICE: $56 00
A luxurious bath gift of six therapeutic oils oils it showcases our six renowned bath oils oils in travel- friendly 15ml sizes– Fitness Restorative Soothing Energising Detoxifying and Resistance BRAND: thisworks
PRODUCT: Deep Sleep Heavenly Candle PRICE: $46 00
A luxurious hand-blended candle enriched with pure essential oils of lavender and camomile aids relaxation as you wind down a at the day’s end BRAND: Daily Concepts PRODUCT: Hair Towel Wrap PRICE: $18 00
This hair hair towel wrap helps reduce frizz and maintain healthier hair hair by cutting the time of blow- drying and heat exposure which ultimately reduces the risk of split ends and excessive damage 

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