44 The Hut
The Hut Living 45Providing formulas tailored to your skin’s daily rhythm for
more powerful results, FOREO’s innovative facial cleansing
brushes, toothbrushes and eye massagers have set a new
benchmark in the beauty world for their functionality and
effectiveness. From celebrities including Kim Kardashian to
leading facialists and dermatologists, the brand has
garnered a cult international following and is shaking up the
beauty world with its unique combination of technology
and forward-thinking design. The Hut offers the lowdown
on the industry’s hottest brand and takes a look at the
products set to revolutionise your beauty regime.
AT HOMEUnlike standard industry products, F
OREO’sLuna 2 is a genuinely professional cle
ansing brushthat is also used by dermatologists at
leadinginternational spas. Working to clean a
nd treat theskin alongside your favourite skincare
products,the Luna 2 delivers a spa-like experie
nce from thecomfort of your own home.
All of FOREO’s products help fight of
f the signsof ageing. The Luna family works wit
h creams andserums using a lower pulsation that in
creases bloodcirculation and targets signs of agein
g to leaveyou looking and feeling refreshed. Th
e FOREO Irisspecifically targets signs of ageing ar
ound the eyes,while the FOREO Issa and its varieties
help keepyour teeth and gums looking fresh for
Whether it’s your phone, toothbrush,
tabletor laptop, the constant need to charg
e all ourgadgets can be draining. FOREO allo
ws youto give your plug sockets a rest, requi
ring verylittle charging for long periods of use.
With a fullcharge, you can use the Luna 450 tim
es andthe Issa toothbrush 365 times.
EMade largely from silicone that is wat
erproof and35 times more hygienic than standar
d brushes,the Luna Play, Issa and Iris can be use
d virtuallyanywhere to produce the same effect
ive results.Whether you want to massage your e
yes in thebath or brush your teeth in the showe
r, makeyour beauty regime fit around you wi
thouthaving the results suffer.
FOREO is one of the most democrati
cbeauty brands, tailoring its revolution
aryproducts towards all audiences so th
ateveryone can benefit from its creatio
nsand the results they offer. From the L
unafor Men to the Issa mini, FOREO is a
beauty solution to benefit you as well
as your friends and family.
Made up of a team of
beauty exper
ts,designers and engineers, Scandinavian pioneer
FOREO creates visionary
beauty solutions
designed to enhance your everyday life.
The flagship product that unveiled FOREO to the world
just four years ago, the FOREO Luna is a personalised,
professional facial cleansing brush and anti-ageing
device for both men and women. Since updated as
the FOREO Luna 2, the cleansing brush features an
industry-leading design that cleans and treats the skin
using T-Sonic vibrations that gently exfoliate dead
skin cells, remove makeup residue, and get rid of up
to 99.5% of dirt and oil. The vibrations of the brush
also improve the absorption of cleansers, serums and
moisturisers so that you get the most out of your
favourite skincare products, while its unique silicone
construction is 35 times more hygienic than standard
facial cleansing brushes.
The reverse side of the FOREO Luna offers
an advanced anti-ageing skincare treatme
nt.Using lower-frequency pulsations, the Lun
avisibly reduces the appearance of fine line
sand wrinkles to leave your skin looking fir
m,lifted and radiant.
How Foreo is Sh
akingup the BeautyW
RThe FOREO Iris is an ophthalmologist-app
rovedeye massager designed to reduce visible si
gns ofageing crow’s feet, bags under the eyes an
d darkcircles. Using alternating T-Sonic™ technol
ogy in asimilar way to the brand’s signature Luna
brush, theIris massages the skin and improves blood
circulationto reduce signs of ageing and dramatically
improvethe absorption of eye creams and serums.
toshake u
p yourbeauty r
egimewith Fo
After transforming the world of skincare, FOREO moved
on to offer the first in a new generation of oral care with its
Issa electric toothbrush. The FOREO Issa is a toothbrush
with a difference, described by the brand as “your complete
oral care solution”. Combining Sonic Pulse Technology
and a unique silicone design for superior hygiene, the Issa
offers 360° flexibility and a combination of silicone and PBT
polymer in the brush that is stronger on plaque but more
gentle on your gums for a cleaner, whiter smile and—more
importantly—a healthier mouth.
The FOREO Issa range has since been expanded for use
with children. The FOREO Issa mini uses FOREO’s signature
Sonic Pulse Technology tooffer the most effective
children’s toothbrush yet, while also including fun happy
and sad smiley faces indicating whether your little one
has brushed his or her teeth for two minutes or not.
The ISSA mikro is the baby toothbrush that
combines soft silicone bristles with gentle
sonic pulsations to offer younger children
a safe, fun and effective way to learn to
brush theirteeth. Even before teeth
have formed, the FOREO Issa mikro
will reduce bacteria by clearing
away food fragments and helps
sootheteething pains, while
between the ages of 6 months
to 2years the mikro cleans
young teeth while gently
massaging sensitive gums.